Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
about us
About us
24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
about us
about us
1. The international Contests of ideas are organized and managed by the company Ideas Forward, Ltd., hereinafter called ideasforward.
2. Ideasforward reserves the right to choose the juries, agents and entities to manage and analyse the contests it organizes.
3. Everyone over 18 years old can participate in the contests organized by ideasforward.
4. In cases where the Contest accepts individual or group participation of participants under 18 years old, these will be accompanied and supervised by a person over 18 years old.
5. The Contests are open to individual participants and in the case of participation as a group there should be no more than 5(five) members. .
6. Participation in ideasforward contests implies that all contestants and/or participants fully agree with the Terms and Conditions for participating in the contest.
7. It is absolutely forbidden for ideasforward employees, members of the jury and their employees, associates or partners to participate in the contest, directly or through an intermediary.
8. The Contests are open to individual participants and in the case of group participations there should be no more than 5 (five) people.
9. It is absolutely forbidden for Contestants to assign or transfer their rights of participation to others under any circumstance.
10. In certain Contests, proof of student status or profession, or other evidence that proves appropriate to the specifications of the Contest may be required; outside these specific cases, and besides proof of age, no further proof is required.
11. All applications must strictly comply with the terms and conditions, clauses and deadlines contained in the Contest Regulations published by ideasforward.
12. Once the final proposal is submitted it can no longer be changed. When ideasforward receives the proposal, it will send an email to the Participant within 2 (two) business days with confirmation of receipt of the proposal.
13. When applying to the Contest, the Participant accepts and expressly consents that all aspects of his proposal, be they texts, descriptions, details, drawings, pictures, illustrations and animations, can be used for advertising and merchandising by ideasforward.
14. The personal information of the Contestants will only be disclosed to third parties by ideasforward for purposes related to the Contest, and prior authorisation from the Contestant will always be requested for any other disclosure.
15. It is exclusively up to the Contestants to protect or ensure the protection of intellectual property of any proposal or application to ideasforward contests.
16. The ownership of moral copyright is governed by the provisions of the Code of Copyright and Related Rights, approved by Decree-Law No. 63/85 of 14 March and amended by Laws No. 45/85 of 17 September and 114/91 of 3 September, and Decree-Laws No. 332/97 and 334/97, both of 27 November, by Law No. 50/2004 of 24 August, Law No. 24/2006 of 30 June and Law No. 16/2008 of 1April 1.
17. All projects, drawings and images that accompany them, are the Contestant’s intellectual property and may be used for his exclusive interests.
18. Ideasforward will not acquire any right in any case on intellectual property developed by the Contestant under and for the purposes of the Contest, unless expressly agreed in writing between the Contestant and ideasforward.
19. Ideasforward will check whether the applications submitted comply with the Copyright Law in force in Portugal.
20. Contestants and participants will only be paid by ideasforward if chosen as a winner of the Contest, without the right to any award, compensation or remuneration for their participation in it, which is hereby expressly acknowledged.
21. Proposals that fail to meet the deadlines or that contain identification of the participants or distinctive sign that, in any form, contributes to the identification of contestants will be excluded from the contest, and ideasforward may, but is not under the obligation, notify the Contestant of his exclusion.
22. All proposals submitted after the deadline previously defined by ideasforward and in the rules of the Contest, will be automatically excluded from the Contest without any notification from ideasforward.
23. Ideasforward reserves the right to cancel, suspend or alter the rules of the Contest at any time if, in its opinion, there is a change in the circumstances that makes this necessary.
24. Ideasforward also reserves the right to cancel or suspend a contest if there is no minimum number of 40 (forty) entries; in this case the already registered Contestants will be refunded the amount of the registration fee for the contest, with no other indemnity and/or compensation, which the Contestants expressly acknowledge.
25. The selection of winners of the Contests, as well as the honourable mentions, is the responsibility of the jury chosen by ideasforward, and this decision is final and irrevocable.
26. If for any reason the winner of a Contest does not accept, receive or not is not eligible for the prize to be awarded, it will be awarded to the next contestant with the highest score, as long as all the requirements provided for in the conditions of the Contest have been fulfilled.
27. In case there are any government regulations or economic sanctions imposed by Portugal that prohibit money transfers to the country of residence of the winner, the prize money will be awarded to the next Contestant with the highest score, but the original winner will nevertheless be mentioned in the list of winners of ideasforward.
28. It is the obligation of ideasforward to choose an unbiased and impartial jury with whom ideasforward has no legal association, affiliation, contract or partnership of any kind.
29. Ideasforward undertakes to scrupulously protect the integrity of its Contests.
30. Each Contestant will be identified by a single number (ID) that is attributed when the registration form is submitted and the Contest fee is paid, and the digital panel with the Contest proposal should only contain this number as identification and with all the additional information saved in a separate file.
31. To ensure strict compliance with the rules, besides the registration number, all illustrations or images that accompany the whole process must be devoid of any marks, logos, symbols or signs that may identify the author or source.
32. Any infringement of these rules will lead to the immediate exclusion of the Contestant.
33. The prizes awarded will be announced for each Contest, but ideasforward reserves the right to add or award additional prizes.
34. Ideasforward reserves the right to publish material relating to proposals submitted to the Contest, in whole or in part, using them in any way it sees fit in connection with this website without prior consent from the Contestant or payment for such use under Law No. 67/98 - Law of Protection of Personal Data of 26 October 1998.
35. A fee is charged for registering in ideasforward Contests; all costs and expenses in preparing an application or a registration are the sole responsibility of the Contestant; these application or registration fees are not refundable or transferable after the registration is made, except in cases where cancellation of the Contest occurs at the initiative of ideasforward (24 above).
36. The winners of ideasforward contests shall, upon request made with reasonable notice, participate in further publicity or promotional activities around the Contests, such as interviews, spots, etc., for which they hereby express consent.
37. The other Contestants are free to refuse any invitation.
38. The methods of payment are those available and listed in the webpage of ideasforward,
39. Under no circumstance will Ideasforward, its suppliers, agents and other representatives be liable for any damages, claims or costs of any kind, including any material damages, indirect or incidental or any loss of profit or loss of revenue, even if an Ideasforward representative was warned of the possibility of such loss, damage or claims. The limitations and exclusions described will have the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law in its jurisdiction. The aggregate liability of ideasforward, its suppliers, agents and/or representatives is that related to these General Conditions or the General Conditions of the Contest, and limited to refunding the registration fee, as described above (24 above).
40. Contestants expressly waive any right they might have by virtue of their participation in the Contest, provided that this right is available, including the right to indemnity, compensation, return, losses and damages, future damages and expenses arising from or incurred because of their participation in the Contest.
41. Contestants expressly waive any claim related to the application of any Contestant, individual or collective, including legal proceedings, either against other contestants or against ideasforward.
42. In case of unavailable rights, the Contestant may only be compensated for the violation of his moral copyrights.
43. Any and all disputes, judicial and extrajudicial, arising from the Contest, the interpretation of its rules and/or its implementation, as well as any prizes awarded or granted, will resolved without legal action or proceedings.
44. If the Contestant lodges a complaint against ideasforward or its agents, the Contestant will bear the fees of the ideasforward representative and court costs, as stipulated in the Portuguese legislation.
45. All agreements or additional stipulations or exceptions to these general conditions will necessarily have to be made in writing.
46. In case of omissions the current legislation in force will apply.
47. It is understood that from the moment he applies the Contestant transfers to ideasforward a limited, national and/or international license, royalty-free, which includes, namely the rights to use, copy, modify, translate and / or adapt, distribute, publicly display by any means and in any media as well as create derivative works, and to copy, distribute and publicly display such derivative works of the project submitted to the Contest in activities related thereto, as well as in its promotion, without prior notice or compensation to the Contestant.
48. The above rights include and are extended to all the existing or future ones, and in particular all physical, optical, magnetic, analog, digital and electronic media, including media such as: printed copies, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM copies. Hard drives, computers and servers, the Internet, all networks of public or private telecommunications, cable, satellite, radio networks, among others.
49. It is understood that from the moment he applies the Contestant transfers to ideasforward a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free worldwide license that enables ideasforward to file the project on the website, Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks and media as well as in the ideasforward pages related to the Contest.
50. The Contestant always keeps the moral copyright, so any and all credits should be associated with the name the Contestant gives at the time of application.
51. These general conditions and all rules of ideasforward contests are governed by Portuguese law.
52. If any provision of these General Conditions is found void or voidable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining General Conditions, which will remain fully valid and enforceable.
53. Ideasforward reserves the right to change these General Conditions at any time and without notice.