Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
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nowadays nomadays - school house trailer
4th edition
friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (...)” Article 26 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance
Sub-Saharan Africa South of the Sahara Desert, is considered by many, the poorest region of the planet. In this part of Africa are located the poorest countries in the world, with major structural problems, suffering serious legacy of colonialism, neo-colonialism, ethnic conflict and political instability. This poverty is reflected in the education, health and nutrition. In general, the population of Black Africa has the worst socio-economic indicators in the world. While in developed countries the average life span is over 70 years, in this area of the planet hardly that average exceeds 45 years. We can explain this so low average life due to numerous factors. Poor nutrition, lack of medical care and the lack of basic sanitation in rural areas, are some of them, the other is due to the fact that 63% of the adult population is illiterate and have no access to education, one of the main vehicles for knowledge. The African continent has about 889 million people, of which 500 million live in sub-Saharan Africa.andlocatedat
The current global framework demands from us the capability to constantly adapt, therefore the profound changes that we have witnessed inside the organizations have consequent effects on our behavior and ways of thinking. We should create our own goals so that we feel accomplished not only at a professional level but also at a personal level. Nowadays presents itself as a competition that highlights the importance of education as a way of adapting to new needs, new local realities and to the spacetime paradigm. The education system has a fundamental role in our society, it contributes at all levels to the development, stability and sustainability of the social pattern as well to the life quality of the entire population. Margaret, as a teacher passionate by her profession, education and above all the public school, defines herself as a dedicated and competent professional. With that in mind she takes the biggest decision of her life and puts in practice an old dream of hers: to leave her country and seek personal and professional fulfillment. Not only as a protest against the unemployment, discredit and precariousness in her activity but mainly because she is an active citizen, eager to share her knowledge and at the same time improve herself. After doing some research she chooses to travel to Sub-Saharan Africa where 43% of the children in the world don’t attend school. The number of achievements in the learning field is significantly low, there are still considerable disparities between girls and boys and the educational needs of the children, adolescents and even adults keeps on being neglected. Margaret cannot keep on ignoring this reality and takes a leap on her new adventure.Nomadays

1st Place

Team Martin Herzán, Anna Glajc
City: Vienna
Country: Austria
2nd Place

Team: Anni Stockeld, Jessica Kos´, Petrus Torstenson, Mirjam Berg
City: Gothenburg
Country: Sweden
3rd Place

Team Sofia Taboada, Tadeu Alves
City: Lisbon
Country: Portugal

Team Juraj Kacenka, Eva Birova
City: Vienna
Country: Austria

Team Heng Choon Yong
City: Sekinchan
Country: Malaysia

Team: Pablo Guerri, Franco Siciliano
City: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina

Team Mitra Tafazoli, Solmaz Shamshiri
City: Tehran
Country: Iran

Team Firdiansyah Fathoni, Rifandi Septiawan Nugroho, Fajar Dzikri Harwiansyah, Angga Dwi Susilohadi
City: Surabaya
Country: Indonesia

Team Arnaud Malthieu and Amandine Romanet
City: Panazol
Country: France

Team Anvar Garipov, Roman Ibragimov, Radmir Gelmutdinov, Radion Bayandin, Tanya Tenigina
City: Yekaterinburg
Country: Russian Federation
1st PLACE - ID 000390 :
“This project is remarkable because it has adoble purpose (3 basic elements):
The living box isindependant from the car but also it proposes an inflatable space to turn it into a school.” Rafael Gozalez
“The major success of design is to reveal at first the flexibility in design process or end-product in terms of both construction and participation.Using regional material is also another important parameter because of the referring contextualism matter to a large extent.In addition,thinking about future steps of the education in this region is not a usual thing so it proves and make it continuous or the sustainability of design in all conditons.The other important factor here is that this is not a compact design,the two terms (education and living área) are separated and defined very well and most importantly;the notion of education is made more interactive and entertaining because if children like this space,they will never leave it.The overall design is more simple,minimal but thinking about the future and also respect to the regional sources and fabric.” Berrin Chatzi
“The first score table was so diverse and divergent that I also would like to explain the way I voted.
I rewarded ‘risky’ ideas (although to a minimum of ‘realism’), more than 'pragmatic' answers (and therefore more feasible ones). I thought this could be the attitude for a 24-hour contest evaluation.
Anyway, the truth is that the more compliant responses to the program (school-house trailer, 15m2 of area, etc.), found no faultless designs; for example, the ID 00020 proposal, which follows more literally the program and the will be placed 3rd, is based on a too much low roulotte for African roads. Mobility appeared to me to be the first performance to ensure in this “nomadays” competition and this roulotte would stay stranded crossing the first ditch.” Pedro Maurício Borges
“The project 0390 was not one of our options due to the difficulty of finding parts in Africa to repair certain vehicles, such as the one at hand. This type of vehicle, where damage is left in the road or in fields. In addition, many of the roads connecting the villages do not have enough width to its passage, nor can go over wooden bridges. Preferably they should be used cars or jeeps. Although the solution found to the school be interesting and useful, the means of transport is not the most appropriate.” Inês Rodrigues
2nd PLACE - ID0001610:
“With only one move, all the space gathers in one plane.Futhermore it has different levels of opening. For that reason, this project deserves to be one of the best proposals.” Rafael Gozalez
“The design ‘’Encircle’’ is presenting a new way of educational training platform due to technological progress and innovation.Since each separate space could turn into a different function,the design itself is very open to add other functions to the designed structure,that is, each designed space can be enlarged or the number of units of the circle can be inceased according to the other subsequent functions.Practicability of the mobility is also underlying the accessibility to everywhere so even if it seems very compact and folded structure,it serves to the área and community both aesthetically and open functionality for the future.Also,there is a conceived formalistic approach that respects to the existing environmental structures and this does not alienate the design in urban fabric.” Berrin Chatzi
“The 1610 project was also not one of our choices. Uses a more appropriate vehicle, jeep, but have trouble understanding how you can carry everything (material for school and private places for the teacher) in a folding system. This project, although visually interesting, is utopian.” Inês Rodrigues
3rd PLACE - ID000200:
“The cork is adiferent material that has a special temperature resistance for Africa.
The use of the hexagon makes a very adjustable unit.” RafaelGozalez
“Although the design does not present a new formalistic or innovative approach, there is a hidden multi-purpose logic behind it and this closed,-introverted box unveils very usable but simple,quick and easy functions with a smart arrangement within the box.It is highly appreciated to give the same amount of usable space in both cases but the space still acts both separate and compacted at the same time.For these convertable spaces,the isolation material was very important not to interfere each other but the preferred material is also a good choice and acts like it was a part of the design.” Berrin Chatzi
“The project 0020 is entirely feasible, provided that the cork has successfully treated for the rainy season, presents a space for protected from the sun and rain school and an independent space for the teacher, who appears to be comfortable in this situation. Children are not sitting in the dirt, something we try to avoid when teaching hygiene rules and there is some room for school supplies. Installation is quick and easy, without any effort or loss of time and the means of transport is suitable.” Inês Rodrigues
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