Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
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24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
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Are we the holders of civilizational powers?
Are we responsible for the humanitarian safeguard?
Are we responsible for the genocide?
Are we responsible for war crimes?
Are we responsible for wars?
And for peacemaking ages?
And by false morals? And by the values?
And by the rules?
And by the bulletproof countries?
For children, women, man, animals, air, ocean, rivers, plants, trees, jungles?
Yes we are.
Humanitarian crisis is an emergency situation where the lives of a large number of people are threatened and where extraordinary humanitarian aid resources are needed to prevent a catastrophe or at least limit its consequences. Humanitarian crises are usually characterized by deprivation of food, shelter, risks to health, safety or well-being of a community or a large group of people, in an almost always extensive area. Armed conflicts (wars between countries or civil wars), epidemics, food crisis (due to droughts or plagues) or natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis) can lead to humanitarian crises. We all live in the same world and we all need humanity, compassion and love.
Theme: humanitarian village
Objective: In this exercíse we propose to reflect about this big scourge, humanitarian crisis! So we want you to think in a humanitarian village that can be assembled in a short time in a crisis scenario. This “village” must be prepared to respond for a medical, education and security issues.
- Number of people: not defined, you decide the village capacity.
- Spaces: Warehouse for food and clothing, medical Center, family dorms, sanitary facilities, refectory.
Area to receive teams of volunteers, doctors, teachers, etc. You can include other areas that you consider.
- Localization: An area hit by a humanitarian crisis.
- Areas: Not defined;
The panel must have a descriptive text of the proposal (English), concept, idea. Scale – Appropriate to the submitted elements.

1st Place

Team: Andrew Robertson
City: Jersey Channel Islands
Country: United Kingdom
2nd Place

Team: Zuzanna Robutka, Bartosz Kołodziejczuk, Paulina Lechowska and Hubert Różewicz
City: Wrocław
Country: Poland
3rd Place

Team: Gustavo Murilo Pessini, Uilian Marconato
City: Santa Maria - RS
Country: Brazil
Honorable Mentions

Country: Turkey

Team: Ewelina Purta, Kinga Murawska, Natalia Gruszczynska, Paulina Pryzwicz City: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark

Team: Anderson Beuting
City: Brusque
Country: Brazil

Team: Adrian Vieza, Angelo Antonucci City: Bucharest
Country: Romania

Team: Caroline Haydee De Carli, Joao Pedro Lopes Andrade
City: Curitiba
Country: Brazil

Team: Dokyung Kim
City: New York
Country: United States

Team: Wojciech Smyczek, Patryk Nowak, Jakub Furmaniak
City: Gliwice
Country: Poland
Final comments to the winning proposals - 24H 24th edition – humanity
"Competitions always have their own subject, challenge, and their own aim.
A competition only exists thanks to its participants and the number of entries reflect the pertinence and relevance of its subject.
Competitions are open and peaceful confrontations of the ideas of those who freely participate.
In this case, to dedicate a Competition to Human Crisis can not be understood as a simple sign of attention to MEN, it as to be understood as a change for an act of support and solidarity to those who live in a crisis situation, whatever is the nature of the phenomena, and a chance for an act of condemnation to those who are responsible for abstention or for policies and actions that encourage and contribute to a crisis situation.
From those who participate is is certainly a chance to feel closer to the ones who are suffering, offering generosity, attention, knowledge and invention.
For those who are in charge of political and material decisions and protection, the competition works as a strong contribution, offering a wide variety of ideas and proposals, opening possible directions.
Each proposal creates a specific scenario, but unlike an Opera one, the scenarios are in this case, captive images of the real drama, picturing the moment of the crisis, or its next day.
Men always lived in a crisis situation, whether it was through a conflict situation, or through a natural catastrophe, but contemporaneity brings simultaneity, and in the meantime we are observers of several crisis. This allowed us to create a different conscience of it, and understand the weakness of our power in order to control it.
The Competition is in its sense a demonstration of power, showing how aware we are of the different crisis situations, how we fill about it and the level of our commitment in order to fight against it.
There are those who contribute offering themselves as volunteers, and with courage help and support the others.
There are those, like the participants in the Humanity - International Competitions of Ideas, who dedicate their time and attention, remembering the ones who in a specific context and place are in a crisis situation.
To all of those, I thank for their participation and their work, that allowed a wide variety of proposals, that catch my attention and enthusiasm." João Santa Rita
"I have been positively impressed by both the variety and the quality of the submitted proposals.
The fact that this 24hours competition theme was on refugee camps and the fact that the submitted projects demonstrate that students are sensible to the migration and refugee theme makes me hope for a better future in these troubled times.
I believe that especially students and young generations of new architects should push the limits of the profession intervening on more compelling world issues." Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone
"Approaching the subject of the -many- humanitarian crises around the globe and the responsibility to act, to respond, to propose, if 24h competitiongives the participants a chance to think, to raise their voice with their proposals, to increase consciousness in a numb world.
The participants have proven to be worthy of the challenge, and it has been a very interesting task to evaluate ideas as creative and diverse as the crises that triggered those solutions. It is very encouraging that the participants have not only addressed the problem in a superficial manner, but they have provided solutions that care for their impact on the environment. At social, cultural, ecological dimensions. With a short and long term approach on sustainability. It gives one hope." Susel Biondi
1st PLACE - ID 000720:
"The image is a strong one, creating a fiction of a kind of atmosphere and ambience of a nomad situation, with Archigram walking units in its back. The caravan crosses the desert, moving towards a possible next stop. A mobile village, or settlement, made out of things from our daily life, cars and trucks, converted into a shelter to support a transitory community. Refusing the use of a regular architectural language and codes, paradoxically it generates a architectonic spatiality, that supports the common uses of the nomad community." João Santa Rita
"What I've found particularly interesting in this project is the way the team thought about mobility. All emergencies require a very fast and effective mobilization of people and equipment. The team has come up with a solution that, I have to say, partially is already in use by all the big organizations but instead of using trucks only to transport tents and lightweight structures, that require time and space to be installed, they decided to use directly the modified trucks to create the camp.
Using modified trucks allows a greater degree of mobility and can provide a variety of the utilities needed in a camp but should not incorporate living units in itself. I would suggest to use them to carry the living units and then deploy them around or inside the perimeter created by the trucks." Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone
"A bold proposition, literally out of the box. The Mad Max style introduces uniqueness to the proposal and richness in its content. The answer to the suggested problem is accurate and up to date. The subtlety of the organization of the vehicles providing the closure of a space of protection, safety and easy maintenance. Its autonomy and mobility capacity is undoubtedly the characteristic that allows it to be the most adequate answer to the present time." Pedro Novo
"The originality of this proposal is key to its success. Understanding the temporality of the response at a humanitarian crisis, the creative solution provided by trailers is fast and effective, and at the same time, easily dispatched afterwards. Because of this, the proposal could be applied to many circumstances, and gives time to achieve a more accurate permanent answer for any of those situations. It is also remarkable that the authors restrain themselves from an architectonic answer, and offer this original, locomotive response with an ephemeral display, and the possibility of being used over and over again." Susel Biondi
"Simple yet very impressive representation which imposed the concept in clever way." Chang Kyu Lee
2nd PLACE - ID0001220:
"The re-use of ships as floating villages, using the sea as place of protection, instead of a place of a drama. The proposal is a direct response to the actual situation that occur in the Mediterranean sea, something we are used to face everyday through media. The proposal is far more than just an image or an illustration, it can work as a way to improve the use of existing resources, in order to guarantee better temporary conditions to those who fight for their life and look for protection and shelter.'" João Santa Rita
“I really liked how this team approached the task it demonstrates to me a good understanding of the problem and an effective solution thinking.
I believe these are among the most important aspects in thinking a solution to a humanitarian crisis.
The team thought about the terrible journey migrants have to face to reach European shores and also how to find a solution that can also be positive for the environment. Reusing old, but still usable, ships are a feasible idea and the fact that many NGOs nowadays are doing it proves them right.
I'm a bit skeptical about the idea of creating a floating city on which thousands of people will have to wait for an uncertain period of time before they can finally reach the land and be disembarked.
That said, I believe this project shows a good way of thinking and a very interesting approach. " Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone
"The most closely adjusted proposal, with a very strong enforceability component. The drama we witnessed in the Mediterranean and the lives that we have seen disappear in the last months, could have in this proposal a very concrete aid response. A balanced proposal full of common sense." Pedro Novo
"The motive is noteworthy, and the proposal is both creative and feasible.
It takes care of the people in danger at sea and builds a "floating city" for them to live, heal, hope, before they reach a safe shore. The presentation is clear and helps understand how the ship would be organized, in private and public spaces, being able to host this amount of people and providing all the services for them." Susel Biondi
"One idea creates complex programs and functions which covers worldwide crisis. The efficient modularity system produces variety of spaces include community space from the ISO 40’ container. Floating village is ingenious idea that valuable to rethink for new type of future habitants." Chang Kyu Lee
3nd PLACE - ID0001210:
"It is the ideal village in a ideal place, like a pre-history stilt construction, looking for a safe situation - the water - the sign of life and sing of protection. The project acts like a statement, in a enclosed safe and democratic form, the ring, where all men and space seem to be equal and look the same, when facing the same situation. Like far-west settlers circular caravan disposal, the ring is a place against offensive acts. As well as nature provides the “place”, nature also determines materiality. It looks like a gift to those who look for shelter and protection, like in its time the Le Corbusier “Murondins”. João Santa Rita
"What I've found interesting about this project is the way it deals with a place in which has decided to place it. Creating a floating structure on a river that they've defined "without an owner", is a very interesting idea. It can create a safe zone in which people fleeing from persecution can gather and feel safe. Imagining to have many of these small circular settlements on the river reminds me of ancient civilizations that in time have always used the water element to protect themselves from external attacks. The size and the fact that the circular shape is empty in the middle, on the other hand, poses the problem of how to easily connect the sides of the circle creating some isolation.
I believe that the idea of using this “nobodies land” is interesting and promising but I would personally add more layers of circulations inside the circle." Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone
"The design and the delicacy of the structure based on a previously established rule, allows to construct a technological imaginary beyond its contemporaneity. An intelligent response that manages an develop urban design on devastated territories. A proposal that was able to cross the aesthetics and the function in a sublime way!" Pedro Novo
"Water as the source of life, but also as a peaceful surface, a place to live and hope, a place to be safe from all social conflicts. This proposal takes the line of water between Bangladesh and Myanmar as a neutral refuge, and places its inhabited rings along this river, hoping for it to become home. Although maybe utopic, this original and innovative idea proposes water as a truce between disputes for land, and people living in peace on water, avoiding war at land." Susel Biondi
"Very smart to choose the location is on the water where between two different territories creates tension and neutral at the same time. Accomplish the idea, “importance of survival and life” with circular form by simple and eco-friendly structure composition. " Chang Kyu Lee
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