Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
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bauHouse - masters´ houses
17th edition
The simplicity, the functionalism, the comfort and the beauty, made this school, a mark still very present and with great influence for
the architecture and the design.
Here was born a revolution!
And, in this way, can we revolutionize the very concept that united so many great artists and give continuity, unite them again, let them create, now, and in a new creative maturity, their life as a piece of art?
How many walls would we need?
How many windows, roofs, what marks of them are known that would make the difference of the door of one, to the door of another?
The common room, would it be so common that unite them with the same physical beauty?
What does the concept of beauty mean, in the midst of meanings shared by Masters?
How would be the house of all Masters?
Change is a consequence of the growth and realization of the human being, as a thinking being and element of a social organization of which he is a part. Here, art is a open door to the manifestations and desires of this same society, and questioning whether new paths and answers are found.
Art does not ask, art responds.
Put in question, to become a consequence and, brick to brick, solid walls grow from an ever closer future, where we will all live and from it we will make our house...
Theme: masters´ houses
Reinterprets the concept of the semi-detached houses, designed
by Gropius for the Bauhaus masters.
You can use a base of the modular principle and use industrially
prefabricated components.
Inspired in bauhaus doctrine, create a new model for the
masters´ houses.
From the reflection of the form and function, modern architecture
is born under the functionalist paradigm.
You can use these principles as an inspiration for your project.
- Localization: Dessau.
- Semi-detached house for two masters
- Each semi-detached house must have independent use in the private areas.
- Each semi-detached house should have shared areas
- Private areas: Living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen and office
- Shared areas: A big open space for painting, sculpture, and other crafts that
can be share by the 2 masters
- Others - you may propose other spaces that are not considered in the present
Areas: not defined
The panel must have a descriptive text of the proposal (English), concept, idea, etc.
Scale – Appropriate to the submitted elements.

1st Place

Team: Sonya Falkovskaia
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
2nd Place

Team: Lukas Kirstukas, Lukas Ciapas
City: Newcastle
Country: United Kingdom
3rd Place

Team: Dragos, Ghioca, Loana Stoide, Mara Catargiu
City: Bucharest
Country: Romania
Honorable Mentions

Team: Piyanat Songkhroh, Apisara Lertrattanakit
City: Pathum Thani
Country: Thailand

Team: Sofie-Marie Trebschuh, Christof Trebschuh, Kati Oettingshausen, Matthias Kloth, Jens Rauhut
City: Cottbus
Country: Germany

Team: Mauricio Calvo Arancibia, Roberto Ariel Vera Delgado, Fernando Sunagua Sardinas, Juan Carlos Arancibia Valverde
City: Sucre
Country: Bolivia

Team: Lulia Llie, Adria Viezan
City: Bucharest
Country: Romania

Team: Matyas Kutas, Zsolt Csík, Levente Kovácsik
City: Traunstein
Country: Germany

Team: Yue Zhang, Jinli Hao
City: Shenyang
Country: China

Team: Loic Cao, Paulina Frankowska
City: Munich
Country: Germany
1st place – ID000670 – Team: Sonya Falkovskaia; City: London; Country: United Kingdom
“The winning project proposes alternative uses to live, re-arrange, play with the layout and create different re-sizeable rooms by responding also 21st Century needs - The winning project proposes alternative uses to live, re-arrange, play with the layout and create different re-sizeable rooms by responding also 3D level” Berrin Chatzi Chousein,arq.
“This entry succeeds in not only presenting a sophisticated design but also backs it up with logic and super visual presentation. The authors describe a desire to build on the thinking behind the original Masters’ house: “New progressions in building technology since 1925 allow for the Bauhaus ideals to be pushed to their limits – openness, composition, form, function”. I had the fortune to visit Dessau as an architecture student and feel this entry completely gets the Bauhaus style and thinking.” Adrian Welch,arq.
“Very strong conceptual project. The project has a deep understanding for what the Bauhaus era was about, and sees possibilities on how to develop it even further, recognizing the technological innovation through the last 100 years.” Kyrre Sundal,arq.
“This entry brings a strong and conceptual approach and manages to manifest it effortlessly in the tectonics of the house, generating a new and interesting look. The functionality of the house also connects beautifully and credibly to the concept, making for a very consistent project.” Gaute Grønmo, arq.
“The Proposal achieves a very provocative formal result. It uses the inversion of the solid and transparente surfaces at the Gropius semi detached houses, as the main premise.
Although the usefulness of the spaces after such inversion is questionable, the goal of increasing the communication between the Masters and their environment is reached. The image of the solid volumes floating on a light cristal athmosphere is very potent. The sobriety of the rendering and schemes works well with the overall concept.” Nicolas Rudolph,aqr.
2nd place – ID000650 – Team: Lukas Kirstukas, Lukas Ciapas; City: Newcastle; Country: United Kingdom
“The winning project proposes alternative uses to live, re-arrange, play with the layout and create different re-sizeable rooms by responding also 21st Century needs – by also incorporating the elements of bauHouse. The project is also very successful in aesthetical manner because the modulations within the transparency create different depth, plasticity and façade in both plan view and 3D level.” Berrin Chatzin Chousein,arq.
“Another high quality presentation with a lot of design work. The authors explain their proposal by stating that the Bauhaus searched for modular means to create aesthetics. I would posit that the modularity was normally contained within a whole, for example the balconies or fenestration within the main Dessau block, rather than expressed as a kit of parts like here. I have reservations about the appropriateness of the space station format for this German site but overall some good design work here.” Adrian Welch,aqr.
“The project has a strong environmental concept. And it’s interesting how they manage to find inspiration from the space station, and how a building can be self-sufficient.” Kerry Sundal,arq.
“This ruthlessly un-aesthetical entry applies technology, societal concerns and an industrial approach, and gains a product that is distinguishably architectural in form and true BauHaus in spirit.” Gaute Grønmo,arq.
“60´s sci-fi is back! Proposal that shows, with an interesting graphic language, a building, that dialogues between a sustainable and a post apocalyptic future. Its resemblance to a space station makes us think about the (not so far) dreams of the Great Masters of our times, as the SpaceX mission to Mars, by Elon Musk. The formal resolution seems a bit exaggerated for today´s world, but it may be appropriate as a home for the new Masters, that might carry the human civilization outside Earth, in the upcoming decades.” Nicolas Rudolph,arq.
3rd place – ID000390 – Team: Dragos, Ghioca, Loana Stoide, Mara Catargiu; City: Bucharest; Country: Romania
“The project can be arranged in multiple dimensions and plans while it is not giving any clue about its own architecture and identity. The search for alternative uses refers to a wider scale that can be applied in urban scale but it is not possible to understand any character of space showing that in what kind of a space will the masters be painting /doing an art and how do all common spaces generate different spatial complexity or pureness? What is architectural language of these spaces? But the proposal is very successful in term of creating multiple typologies to live and work.” Berrin Chatzin Chousein,arq.
“This is a clever design. The entrants advise the proposal comes as a “project rooted in the principles of the Bauhaus school, mainly in our case the mechanization and complete efficiency of the space, as well as its adequacy to the inhabitant’s desires”. The design has a delicious set of variables which allow exciting physical options within what is already an innovative series of rectilinear spaces. I felt the presentation could have been bolder but both the design and the thinking were excellent here.” Adrian Welch,aqr.
“The project shows a great understanding on how to make super flexible spaces with simple and effective solutions.” Kerry Sundal,arq.
“This quite poetic and playful expression of a flexible living machine arrives at a very credible structure, which also seems to have a great aesthetic potential and is very much in step with the BauHaus ideal.” Gaute Grønmo,arq.
“Proposal that reinterprets the concept of the Master´s houses, using a contemporary variated-stacking vision. In a way, it makes us think of a little New Babylon, in which the new man, the Homo-Ludens, that freed himself from the working tasks, generates his own space, based on his new needs to enjoy, relax, and create. We can observe references to the 1957´s Constant´s Utopia, on the Variable platforms and retractable ladders. The ground floor mobile-panels solution, is not as strong as the rest of the proposal; however, it seems as an interesting way to vary the permeability of this space, shared by both Master-Ludens. Interesting axonometric expression of the possible variations.” Nicolas Rudolph,arq.