Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
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24h competition
24h competition
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metamorphosis - box to box
10th edition
In a society where natural resources become scarce, it is urgent to take action, concrete and effective measures. The excessive construction of mega structures, which often do not get to be used or only partially, is a mistake in that we fell regularly, in our capitalist societies. For this we must look for solutions. Solutions that enable a more efficient construction, wherein the building is used as a whole and on all the time. Optimize resources optimize the building, that’s what we talk about. If each building is used to its fullest, we can greatly reduce this massive and uncontrolled construction, which only feeds the capitalism and not the common good and our most valuable asset, the earth !!! The young creatives and thinkers are a precious commodity that we value a lot and so we want to give them voice, because we believe in their value and their ideas.
The word “metamorphosis” comes from the Greek μεταμόρφωσις (Metamorphosis, “transformation”). Metamorphosis is a change or transformation of a body, a growth, a passage from a state juvenile to an adult state. It can thus associate metamorphosis to a change in lifestyle or even habitat, however this can also occur without any of the first and only happen morphologies or state changes. Observe the cities, these are in constant metamorphosis. On the scale of the building or to the master plan scale, this process is never stopped. So we can say that the phenomenon of metamorphosis is present in all of our lives. We as designers of society, have a transformative capacity, a vanguard vision that allows us to see beyond, to predict and see what others can not. Imagine alternatives, find solutions, solve problems. This ability to change makes us unhappy and thinking beings with an insatiable need for change. Dare to change, daring to transform, adapt, reshape, reinvent!
Box to Box - With this exercise we intend to explore the maximum building use, in order to optimize resources and reduce the immeasurable construction and meaningless. We want that you to think in the simple form of a cube and give him two completely different uses, one for day and one for night. Every day he undergoes this metamorphosis. You can work the lights, skins, materiality, color, and form, not forgetting that the base form has to be a cube. You must clearly identify each of the uses.
Location: Your Country
Area : Cube - 10mX10mX10m Day: Night:
Required Areas: Work area Fun Zone
Descriptive document (English): Each proposal must be accompanied by a description and justification of the project on the display panel. Construction details: Construction details or construction process should be presented. Scale – Scale appropriate to the submitted elements.

1st Place

Team: Wilhelm Scherübl, Therese Leick
City: Vienna
Country: Austria
2nd Place

Team: Maria Dembska, Dagmara Rapińczuk, Piotr Czerniawski
City: Gdańsk
Country: Poland
3rd Place

Team: Ekaterina Kotlova, Valery Zverkova, Yana Oshkina, Vitalya Primak, Daria Suhova
City: Saransk
Country: Russian Federation
Honorable Mentions

Team: Aleksandra Plotnikova,
Veronika Fomina
City: Yekaterinburg
Country: Russian Federation

Team: Cédric Tavoillot, Matthieu
Dennequin, Jean benoit Chopart, Gautier Castellino
City: Strasbourg
Country: France

Team: Seung Pyo Lee
City: Deajeon
Country: Korea South

Team: Anela Osmić, Adin Fejzić, Jasmina Romano, Edin Begić
City: Sarajevo
Country: Bosnia Herzegovina

Team: Andrei Theodor Ionita
City: Calarasi
Country: Romania

Team: Jakub Vágner, Ilaria Giachi
City: Firenze
Country: Italy

Team: Jessica Nilo Alves, Marianna Fujii, Thomas Yano,
Gil Barbieri, Thiago Gregio
City: São Paulo
Country: Brazil
1st place - ID0001050 Team: Wilhelm Scherübl, Therese Leick, City: Vienna, Country: Austria
“It is a powerful statement: metamorphosis presented as an architectural device. It is poetic and yet presenting a programmatic approach - designed around specific activities. The presentation is skillful and rather imaginative, not the usual 3D perspective but a suggestive section, showing how it performs: through daily activities and the passage of time. Congratulations for this 24H spectacular project!” Ana Jara, arq.
“This proposal is the most creative project I’ve seen in the last competitions where I’ve been a jury member.
The use of the water in the roof part that floods is a very innovative mechanism. Furthermore the graphic design showing the empty-full system explains the idea un few seconds.” Rafael Gonzalez del Castillo Sancho, arq.
“The cube’s design utilizes a fascinating hourglass metaphor to represent the passing of time and thus the transition between the daily cycles of work, socializing, and regeneration. Simple and effective concept, successfully visualized.” Alexander Walter, arq.
“What I do like most about this concept overall is that it takes full advantage of the allotted cubic area, and it can ultimately be an enticing atmosphere for people to gather for work or relaxation. Although a post-work swim isn't everyone's cup of tea year-round, the water is still put to good reuse in the cultivation of a garden, thus aiming to improve the appearance of its surroundings.” Justine Testado, arq.
“This is a prime example of the nontrivial view of the architecture. This decision is associated with surreal paintings and is unlikely to leave the observer indifferent. Detailed presentation mesmerizes and establishs the complete submersion into the atmosphere of the project. Only thoughts about rationality and possible implementation alienates the vivid impression” Grigory Malitskiy, arq.
2nd place – ID000650 Team: Maria Dembska, Dagmara Rapińczuk, Piotr Czerniawski, City: Gdańsk, Country: Poland
“A subtle and effective idea to illustrate metamorphosis: taking the most out of the cube challenge proposed by 24H brief. The project shows an inhabited cube metamorphosis through the day using a mutable skin, controlling light and relation with the exterior.
The presentation is capable of taking us inside the atmosphere and explaining how it works technically in one panel.” Ana Jara, arq.
“The modular system makes this project different. On one hand it shows a realistic render and on the other hand it explains the project with axonometric, plant, secction and other documents. The use of reflexions, light and glass gives to this proposal a good feeling about the building.” Rafael Gonzalez del Castillo Sancho, arq.
“Comprehensively thought-through concept, from the dynamic double-layer facade all the way to the convertible furniture. Impressive rendering.” Alexander Walter, arq.
“The double cube, with the “breathing” movable façade, is a classically simple yet clever architectural approach to the concept of metamorphosis. It’s a fitting response to the flow and rhythm of everyday modern living.” Justine Testado, arq.
“This is a an example of kinetic architecture, stylish, rational and alive. Like a flower, the building is revealed for the surrounding world during the day, uniting inner and outer space. The transformation not only creates a new image of the building, but also allows you to adjust the microclimate in it. The building is able to change and adapt through interacting with the environment.” Grigory Malitskiy, arq.
3rd place – ID000290 Team: Ekaterina Kotlova, Valery Zverkova, Yana Oshkina, Vitalya Primak, Daria Suhova, City: Saransk, Country: Russian Federation
“It is a memorable under and over water cube able to create two different opposite conditions. Presentation is effective in creating both atmosphere and showing how it works.” Ana Jara, arq.
“In this proposal the idea of movement is a very powerful tool. The render explains very well the idea but the technical documents don’t have a large study, it would have been better to explain more about the going up/going down building.” Rafael Gonzalez del Castillo Sancho, arq.
“I was glad to see a concept that makes rigorous use of the z- axis for its metamorphosis. The scenario for the “work” function during the day is a very real and practical one and fits the specific location.” Alexander Walter, arq.
“The idea of a scientific research lab and observatory is what made this proposal stand out, as a response to the work/recreational aspect of the competition brief. Although it isn’t the most feasible design and could use more development (even if this was a 24-hour competition), it generally presents a potentially engaging idea in public education on the environment, especially with the ongoing discussion of problems like pollution and rising sea levels. ” Justine Testado, arq.
“The project, capable to draw attention not only to its design, but also to the problem of ecology. Architecture should strive to improve the environment. Such architectural decision may become the point of attraction of people and to focus their attention on eco-issues.” Grigory Malitskiy, arq.